Active Communication. 

Chiefs encourage open and frank dialog, listen to Sailors and energize the communication flow up and down the chain of command. This will increase unit efficiency, mission readiness, and mutual respect.

1. In your own words define ‘Active Communication’.

2. As a FCPO and future Chief, how do you encourage open and frank dialog within your division?

3. Give examples of ways to energize communication flow.

4. In the MVGPs it states that active communication will increase unit efficiency, mission readiness, and mutual respect. How and why is this?

5. What are some best practices that you have seen that enhanced the flow of communication up and down the chain of command?

6. With regards to communication, why is a difference of opinion, in some cases, a good thing?

7. When addressing Sailors in large group forums what are some do‘s and don‘ts
with regards to communication?

8. What do you think is meant by the saying, ‘Silence is Golden’? How can not
saying anything be beneficial?

9. When conducting one-on-one counseling, outline different methods you can apply to enhance the communication flow.

10. In the following situations how do you communicate your opinion if it differs from what is being discussed:
a. All-hands call
b. FCPO Mess meeting
c. Division Quarters
d. One-on-one counseling

11. In the following situations how do you communicate your opinion if it differs from what is being discussed:
a. CPO Mess meeting
b. Chiefs and/or Officers call

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