Institutional and Technical Expertise. 

Chiefs are experts in their field. We will use experience and technical knowledge to produce a well-trained enlisted and officer team.

1. Define the term, ‘Institutional expertise’.

2. Define the term ‘Technical expertise’.

3. Describe how you, as a FCPO and future Chief, use your experience to train officers and enlisted.

4. Describe the importance of maintaining your technical expertise.

5. List 3 ways you apply your technical expertise and knowledge to produce a well-trained enlisted and officer team.

6. As an ‘expert’ many will come to you seeking solutions. Occasionally, you will be faced with an issue to which you do not have the answer. As a FCPO, what do you do when placed in this situation?

7. Other than your ‘rating’, outline other areas in which a FCPO and Chief are considered technical experts. Include all Navy programs, command duties and responsibilities, and warfare community specifics.

8. Finish the following sentence;
As a future Chief it is important that I maintain my technical expertise because….

9. What is the difference between being a leader and being a technical and institutional expert? Is there a difference, in your opinion, and if so what is your reasoning?

10. Often, as leaders, we are placed in positions of authority that are out of our rating.
A few examples of this are Command DAPAs, Command Fitness Leaders, and
3M Coordinators. If placed in this type of position, what course of action would you take to become the technical and institutional leader in your new leadership role?

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